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Kambo Mk 2

Following on from the first Kambo treatment I had in October I wrote a blog “Not for the feint hearted”. I described the process including being sick and how it felt different to when you are sick through illness. 

As I am not feint hearted I decided to have another treatment. My first treatment gave me some good relief from pain caused by an arthritic hip for about four months. I was looking for this relief again. 

My second treatment was very different, on advice from the Kambo practitioner I decided to have a Chakra treatment. Instead of a standard five dots on my lower right leg. I had 3 dots applied to my base chakra, 2 dots to the solar plexus chakra and 2 dots to the heart chakra - 7 in all. 

As the Kambo was applied I felt an almost instantaneous response, I knew it was there and that the purge would be powerful. 

This time I shook too, but it was all part of releasing energetic attachment to issues that helped to cause my hip pain. 

As before I felt alive and awake, lighter and brighter after the treatment had finished and enjoyed a wholesome homemade soup after. 

I am still amazed that the powerful feeling causing you to purge passes so quickly and leaves you feeling refreshed. Like you really have shifted something not physical. 

After this treatment I needed to sleep once I was home. I slept deeply for just over an hour and went on to run a drum healing circle in the evening which seemed to continue the healing received from the Kambo. 

This may be an unconventional treatment but to wake up from my afternoon nap and realise once again my hip was pain free was  enough evidence for me to know it works. 

If you want to try this treatment or want to know more about how it works. My Kambo practitioner can be found at Alternative therapies

I will most definitely continue to choose this treatment while I’m receiving so many benefits from it. 

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