Recently a good friend and fellow Holistic Therapist asked me if I would be a case study for a Shamanic Healing modality that she had just been trained to give. Always up for some healing I was more than pleased to oblige.
I went for my illumination which I found to be a gentle process and was surprised by the depth of healing I felt during my treatment. The process involves the practitioner guiding you through a range of emotions that rise as you breathe deeply and work your way through releasing the emotions toward an issue you have discussed and want help with.
After my treatment I reviewed how I had felt and gave feedback. I was informed that this gentle but powerful healing would continue to work through me for many days after. I have been continually amazed at the ongoing process of the illumination within me. Throughout the coming days various ares of my life seems to be highlighted and be in need of closer inspection, on doing so it became obvious there were clear links between the area highlighted and the emotion I’d worked with during the illumination. With each area highlighted, a further process within myself of close observation and questioning what lay beneath the feelings have enabled me to unpick some emotional baggage and feel lighter in the process.
I thought the process was finished when I completed my “Homework” whilst on top of Glastonbury Tor for the winter solstice where I told the rising sun and the world I was visible. Now three and a half weeks after my illumination I can see why it’s called that, I feel as though the process has shone a light into the dark recesses of my being and shown me a way to see what’s there and sift the trash from the treasure. I am also realising that the illumination journey is ongoing - which of course should be no surprise - because when you’ve taken out the trash and then look inside again you realise that it’s just like clearing the clutter from the loft or garage, there’s more to sift through. The more you clear out the more you find. This has most definitely been and continues to be an amazing part of my healing journey.
Onwards and upwards through 2019