HOST 2022 Whole Day Immersive Retreat 3rd September 2022

Carrying the Tiger over the Mountain
One of my core values when pulling together a retreat is value for money. Years of not being in a position to go on retreat because of cost, made me certain that cost is a factor affecting many. I‘ve always priced my retreats for those who want to try one, but would struggle to afford some of the prices being charged. With this in mind this years retreat isn’t residential, but it will offer a complete day package with all meals and refreshments included, to enable an opportunity to completely disengage from the hustle of everyday life.

Harlow Study Centre, a beautiful tithe barn and an extra oak beamed day barn set in peaceful surroundings in Harlow, is the venue for my whole day get-away.
There is a main-line train station and hopper bus service for those who don’t want to drive, and an ample car park for those arriving by car.
The day starts at 10:00am and for complete immersion will last until 8:30pm.
Split into three distinct sessions, the morning 10:00 -12:30 will focus on: Energy as medicine
Qi Gong
Tai Chi Origins
Vegetarian and Vegan Lunch will be followed by an afternoon 2:00 - 5:00 of:
Tai Chi Principles of Movement
Learning Compact Yang Form
Pushing Hands, a solo, paired or group practice of energy movement
Vegetarian and Vegan Dinner will be followed by an evening 6:30 - 8:30 of:
Breath work
Guided Meditation
Drum Journey Work and

Again, aiming for value and trying to make it as accessible to all there are options for the day if you don’t want to engage in all of it. Cost for the whole day is £90 great value for money and will include Lunch, dinner and refreshments on tap throughout the day.
If a long day is too much or cost too high you can choose to indulge in two of the sessions, either the morning and afternoon or the afternoon and evening with one meal option for £60.
If one session is all you want you can join me for just the one you want. Morning - Qi Gong, Energy Work and Origins for £40
Afternoon - Movement, Tai Chi and Pushing Hands £40
Evening - Breath Work, Meditation, Drum and Cacao - £35
Spaces will be limited and those booking full day will have priority over single and two session bookings to maximise the day for all involved.
Please email me on to reserve your place. Payment in full to secure place. £10 processing fee, will be deducted and is non-returnable if you cancel. If restrictions mean cancellation by me a full refund will be given.
if you would like a payment plan please call me on 07740701102 to discuss.
Fu Ru Dong Hai
Sifu Sarah